Friday, August 26, 2011

Toon Town Research 3 Questions/Responses

9. Which features break that immersive feeling?

I would say that the HUD can break that experience.
The hud in toontown is very minimal for the very basic needs of the youth that play the game.
The problem is that plenty of other users that are offscreen are still referenced. This in my opinion is very unnecessary and can lead to a very cluttered and distracting gaming experience.

12. Chose ONE of the Book features and briefly describe/sketch how you would redesign it to be part of the HUD, i.e. omnipresent in the user’s view. Design both a compressed and expanded form. Add notes to your sketch to convey how it would work.

Well one thing that would help the game is the map feature. Most common games nowadays all share similar map features. There is usually an existing "mini-map" on the HUD that references your position along with other key things. It's usually just referencing just the current space/area your are moving through. There is usually a toggle option that would pull up a bigger version of the map.

side thought:
obvisouly the lack of a mini-map hinders the potential of proper navigation, but would the solution be to add the cliche/common mini-map feature are try to create something more efficient and unique to the "toontown universe" (or whatver game that might share this similar problem.)

13. What features did you find the most difficult to use and why? How would you redesign them to operate better?

During the battle instances, choosing attacks can be slightly inconvenient. this would be somewhat easier if you can set certain hotkeys to different items instead of having to click on them all the time.

Having a free cam might make navigating the world much more easier so that users can utilize it to fully explore their environments better.

Having a better system that makes it clear to the user what he/she can interact with.

(side note:
again, common solutions? better than trying to create something new?

side side note:
regardless, every MMO that has more than one way to attack with needs to have a simpler way to go about it. in other words it needs those damn hotkeys.)